Yarra Valley Water


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Diversity, equity and inclusion policy

We are committed to providing accessible and inclusive services that meet the needs of our diverse community. We prioritise respect, dignity, equity, and human rights for all, while fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. By empowering our people and partners, we strive to reflect the customers and communities we serve, learn from lived experience and work together to deliver positive outcomes for all.

Scope and purpose

This policy sets out Yarra Valley Water’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). This commitment benefits our customers and communities and current and future employees. It enables us to successfully deliver on our 2030 Strategy. 

It is anchored in human rights and the freedoms, respect, equality and dignity offered in accordance with national and international laws and standards dealing with human rights, employee entitlements, consumer rights, health and safety and unlawful discrimination and harassment (see Appendix 1). 

Our policy supports a holistic and consistent approach to equity and inclusion across our business, embedding it in our systems, processes and culture. It recognises that a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce is essential to providing accessible and inclusive services. It is also consistent with our values: People First, One Team, Be Brave, Deliver What Matters and Positive Impact, and our Code of Conduct.

This policy applies to the Yarra Valley Water Board of Directors and all employees. 

We work with organisations which share our values, and we expect our partners, suppliers an contractors to have the same commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. The Victorian Government Social Procurement Framework, Fair Jobs Code and the Building Equality Policy help ensure that our suppliers are aligned to our values in these areas. 

Policy statement

We believe that everyone should have access to safe, reliable, and affordable drinking water and sewerage services. This is a fundamental human right and necessary for the fulfillment of all other human rights. We will ensure our services are accessible and inclusive.

We also want to make sure our workplace, and those of the organisations we partner with, is diverse, equitable and inclusive. By reflecting the community that we serve, we are better able to understand and meet the needs of our customers and community. We empower our people and partners to work together to build a culture that supports us in achieving these objectives. 

We invest in our people, policies, systems and processes to promote positive outcomes and ensure non-discrimination.

Yarra Valley Water always aims to meet and, if possible, exceed minimum legislative and regulatory standards. This policy recognises that accepted standards, legislative instruments and human experience will deliver the best outcomes.


Rights-based approach

In accordance with our obligations, we will consider human rights in all that we do and uphold society’s obligation to ensure these rights are accorded and protected.

Respect and dignity

We will always treat people with dignity and respect. We will invest in our capability at all levels in the organisation to ensure we are inclusive in line with this policy.

Inclusive engagement with diverse groups in our community

We will ensure our engagement processes are inclusive so that everyone can meaningfully participate in our decision-making, and we benefit from diverse perspectives. This includes building and maintaining relationships with diverse consumer groups and addressing barriers to participation.

Accessible and inclusive services

We will ensure compliance with our anti-discrimination obligations in relation to the services we provide. We will use a universal design approach and proactively identify and address barriers to ensure everyone can access our services in the way they need. We will apply an intersectional lens to understand impacts on different groups (see definition below).

Accessible communications

We will communicate effectively and inclusively so that everyone has equal access to information. This includes providing a range of communication channels to meet different needs and using inclusive language and imagery.

Lived experience

In designing and delivering accessible and inclusive services, we recognise the expertise of people with lived experience, and will ensure that this informs our work.  

Diverse and inclusive workplace

We are committed to building, embedding and celebrating a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. This will ensure people feel a strong sense of belonging and have equitable access to support systems and workplace benefits so they can thrive and make their best contributions at work.

Broader thinking

A diverse workforce will deliver better outcomes for our customers and community as we benefit from broader perspectives, and diversity of thinking, skills and experience. We celebrate our diversity, show respect and appreciate unique talents and perspectives.

Embedding into our culture

We promote positive attitudes towards inclusion and consider it in all the work we do.

Continuous learning 

We will invest in continuous development of staff capability and understanding through targeted training, workshops and informal learning opportunities. We will monitor and report on our progress, so that we can continue to adapt and evolve as we develop new capabilities and as new information and ideas emerge.


We will work collaboratively within and across sectors, to share our practice and learn from others.



We recognise diversity takes many forms, including values, religion, culture and language, ethnicity and nationality, biological traits, disability, the spectrums of gender and sexuality, socio-economic status, stage of life, education, geography, or access to resources and opportunities.

People require different supports and opportunities to make their best contributions at work. They are diverse in the way they like to work, socialise and interact. Diversity is also found in family structures, social traditions and communities, with individuals holding diverse roles and responsibilities within them. We recognise and respect that our customers have diverse opinions and expectations, as well as life experiences.


Equity means fair inclusion. It can be demonstrated when we provide processes, opportunities or resources that fit individual, or group needs or circumstances so everyone can participate and succeed. This may involve action to reverse the impact of disadvantage stemming from a person or group’s differences.


Inclusion is the practice of making sure we encourage the involvement and engagement of diversity in all our systems and practices relating to our customers, community and people. 


Intersectionality refers to the interaction between different aspects of our identities. It can help to understand how people’s experiences are shaped by but not limited to their race, socio-economic background, sex, gender, age, sexuality etc, all at the same time. This combination of different aspects of a person’s identity can expose them to overlapping forms of discrimination and marginalisation. 


Accessibility is the degree to which people of all abilities can effectively use a product or service and obtain the same level of access to content and information. This is distinct from the concept of physical access to a property or asset.

Ensuring that information, products and services are accessible is key to creating enjoyable and engaging experiences for everyone. This is especially important for people living with disability, which is defined as a mismatch in interaction between the features of a person's body or mind and the features of the environments in which they live and work. In other words, an individual person is not inherently ‘disabled’; rather, they are disabled by the barriers they encounter in a world that was not constructed with inclusion in mind. Accessibility is about knocking down those barriers, or ensuring they never exist in the first place.

Universal design

Universal design is about designing to meet the needs of as many people as possible. By understanding the diverse needs and abilities of all throughout the design process, universal design creates products, services and spaces that don’t discriminate and that benefit everyone.

Roles and responsibilities

Delivering on this policy is ultimately everyone’s responsibility, but there are certain accountabilities held by key stakeholders in the business:

Roles Responsibilities
On behalf of Board

Leadership, Culture and Diversity (LCD) Committee

Monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of strategies, policies and practices in achieving stated objectives and ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace that best serves our diverse community of customers

Service, Community, Assets & Regulation (SCAR) Committee

Ensuring the business is currently meeting customer needs, community expectations and regulatory obligations, and has insight and oversight of business plans to understand and meet customer needs, engage with community and address regulatory requirements in the future.


Direct accountability for the execution of relevant strategies, action plans and business rules in service of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy and promoting values and behaviours in line with this policy.

Business groups

People, Performance & Culture (PP&C) and Strategy & Community (S&C)

Joint responsibility for the development, sharing, and maintenance of the DEI Policy.

PP&C is responsible for governing the implementation of the workforce elements (outlined within the People pillar of the 2030 Strategy)

S&C has responsibility for the governance of the customer and community elements.

All people leaders

Expected to foster a culture of inclusion within teams, ensure the composition of diverse teams and ensure equitable outcomes for team members.

All employees

Must display respect and act in accordance with our values and Code of Conduct, as they seek to understand each other’s perspectives and individual differences. 

Partners and supplies

We strive to ensure that we engage with and work alongside organisations that share our commitment and deliver those commitments through our work with us. This will be achieved by regular review of our procurement targets, social procurement plans and partner/supplier relationships – to ensure we hold our partners and suppliers to similar standards.


The DEI Policy is the main document that sets the tone and goals for diversity, equity and inclusion. It’s connected to many other organisational elements like strategies, frameworks, and action plans. Internal business rules and procedures will be developed and implemented to provide detail on relevant standards, guidelines, laws, regulations and better practice.


The Board or delegated Committee, along with the Executive team, will monitor the effectiveness of the DEI Policy, relevant strategies, and action plans. They will review them every two years, or sooner if needed, to adapt to changing business circumstances or regulations. 


The Board approved the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy at the Board of Directors meeting on 28 August 2023.

Appendix 1 – List of relevant legislative and regulatory instruments

Instrument Authority
Age Discrimination Act 2004 Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 Commonwealth of Australia
Carer Recognition Act 2012 Victorian Government
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Victorian Government
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities United Nations
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Commonwealth of Australia
Disability Act 2006 Victorian Government
Disability Inclusion Act 2023 [expected] Victorian Government
Equal Opportunity Act 2010 Victorian Government
Fair Work Act 2009 Commonwealth of Australia
Gender Equality Act 2020 Victorian Government
Modern Slavery Act 2018 Commonwealth of Australia
Multicultural Victoria Act 2011 Victorian Government
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 Victorian Government
Public Administration Act 2004  Victorian Government
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Commonwealth of Australia
Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 Victorian Government
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Commonwealth of Australia
Sustainable Development Goals United Nations
Victorian Charter of Human Rights 2006 Victorian Government
Water Industry Standard – Urban Customer Service Essential Services Commission
Yarra Valley Water Enterprise Agreement Yarra Valley Water
Code of Conduct Yarra Valley Water